Monday, November 23, 2009

Chinese characters used over the Far-East countries which are marked by the name of „East-Oceanian Civilization” or the „漢字文化圈/Culturel Sphere of Chinese Characters”. Chinese Characters are used in both of „One China”s, two Koreas, Singapure, presently one Japan, among oversea East Oceanians and, in the past, also in Vietnam. Although in the past decades the states introduced their own and different simplifications (or cease like in Vietnam), the meaning-marking Chinese characters are still contributing the communication between the East-Oceanian people using different languages.
(The pictures from Wikipedia)

In the past decades, the i.e. Simplified Chinese characters have been used in Communist China and in Singapure, because of the Communist Party of PRC’s writing reform. Because of the use of simplified Chinese characters just considerd to be temporary, the understandability or the estitical segment of the new simplified characters were not always provided. The distance aims of Communist Chinese and Japanese writing reforms was non other than to change to the phonetic writing system modelled on West!

On the other hand, in Democratic China, in some places in Communist China (like Hong Kong), in Two Koreas the i.e. traditional characters have been continuously used. By the way, Japan introduced its own low-key simplification obeying the US’s order after its defeating war.

But in the past months a discuss started in the Continent about the possibility of the re-introduction of traditional Chinese characters. This is probably reacted to the Democratic Chinese proclaim for the acknowlidgement of Chinese characters as the World’s Heritage. Democratic China reclaimed the Communist China’s cooperation for the success of this project.

The reintroduce of the traditional Chinese characters was proposed by 潘慶林/Pan Qing-Lin, the member of Lianghui. According to the online poll the 41 % of the Communist Chinese netizens agreed to the idea of reintroduce.

Although Pan Qing-Lin's propose was rejected by these presents, if their dream comes true, it’s almost sure that Japan and Singapure join the international direction, then the writing culture of East Oceania - apart from Vietnam - will be united again for the most part.